Home 9 News New Publication: Helium: Scalable MPC among Lightweight Participants and under ChurnNews, Publication, Optional0New Publication: Privacy-Preserving Hyperparameter Tuning for Federated LearningNews, Project, Publication, Optional0The Privacy vs. Innovation Debate: Can We Have Both?News, Project, Optional0Introducing HARPOCRATES Demonstrator 2: Collaborative Use of Machine Learning in Sleep MedicineNews, Project, Optional0Demonstrator 1: Threat Intelligence Sharing Between Local AuthoritiesNews, Project, Optional0Advancing Functional Encryption: SPADE’s Method for Selective and Partial DecryptionNews, Project, Optional0HARPOCRATES at DASC 2024: Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning with Hybrid Homomorphic EncryptionNews, Project, Optional0HARPOCRATES at Cybertech Europe 2024: Showcasing Advances in Privacy and Data SecurityEvents, News, Project, Optional0HARPOCRATES Project Update: Plenary Meeting in ParisNews, Project, Optional0Building Trust in AI: Highlights from the European AI & Cybersecurity CrossTalk EventEvents, Networking, News, Project, Optional0Press Release: “European AI Security network CrossTalk event: leading the future of AI in Healthcare”Events, Networking, Optional0Join the European AI & Cybersecurity Network Crosstalk on Project SolutionsEvents, Networking, News, Project, Optional0What If Privacy and Innovation Could CoexistNews, Optional0Exploring Cybersecurity Innovations: An Interview with Ricardo Gonçalves, Harpocrates Project Focus Group MemberNews, Project, Optional0Silence and Security: Harpocrates’ Legacy in Healthcare InnovationNews, Project, Optional0GuardML: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning – A Publication from Tampere UniversityNews, Optional0University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Leading the Way in Harpocrates Project: Data sharing and analysis for social utilityEvents, News, Project, Optional0Unlocking Privacy: Harpocrates Consortium Recap, Saariselka, LaplandEvents, News, Project, Optional0Interview with Roberto Sandrini from Region Veneto: Insights from a HARPOCRATES Threat Intelligence Demonstrator”News, Project, Optional0Hackathon Secure the Valley: Boosting Cybersecurity and Innovation with the Harpocrates ProjectEvents, News, Project, Optional0Explore the Latest HARPOCRATES Newsletter!News, Optional0Vladimir Radomirovic, from Zentrix Lab Introduces Harpocrates at Web Summit 2023 – Lisbon, PortugalEvents, News, Project, Optional0The HARPOCRATES project is on Zenodo!News, Optional0HARPOCRATES at ESORICS and CPS4CIP 2023News, Optional0Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: An Interview with Nicolae Paladi of CanaryBit on the HARPOCRATES ProjectNews, Optional0HARPOCRATES Project at ECCC info day in StockholmNews, Optional0S2 Grupo Represents HARPOCRATES at ValgrAI Scientific Council Forum 2023News, Optional0Shahid Raza Presents the HARPOCRATES Project at the 2023 Privacy Symposium ConferenceNews, Optional0Invitalia Innovation Roadshow L’Aquila 2023News0HARPOCRATES – Project Aims to Revolutionize Sleep Medicine Research and Practice – Interview with Dr Thomas PenzelProject0What is Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption and Its ApplicationsNews0Innovative Cryptographic Access Control: Enhancing Security for Role-Based SystemsNews0Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption: A Breakthrough in Data PrivacyNews0Promising Developments in the Field of Functional Encryption by HARPOCRATES partnersNews0SoK: Confidential Quartet – Comparison of Platforms for Virtualization-Based Confidential ComputingNews0Harpocrates at the International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2023)News, Optional0Harpocrates consortium kicks off three-year project to improve data securityNews0 SearchSearchRecent PostsNew Publication: Helium: Scalable MPC among Lightweight Participants and under Churn New Publication: Privacy-Preserving Hyperparameter Tuning for Federated Learning The Privacy vs. Innovation Debate: Can We Have Both? Introducing HARPOCRATES Demonstrator 2: Collaborative Use of Machine Learning in Sleep Medicine Demonstrator 1: Threat Intelligence Sharing Between Local Authorities
New Publication: Helium: Scalable MPC among Lightweight Participants and under ChurnNews, Publication, Optional0
New Publication: Privacy-Preserving Hyperparameter Tuning for Federated LearningNews, Project, Publication, Optional0
Introducing HARPOCRATES Demonstrator 2: Collaborative Use of Machine Learning in Sleep MedicineNews, Project, Optional0
Advancing Functional Encryption: SPADE’s Method for Selective and Partial DecryptionNews, Project, Optional0
HARPOCRATES at DASC 2024: Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning with Hybrid Homomorphic EncryptionNews, Project, Optional0
HARPOCRATES at Cybertech Europe 2024: Showcasing Advances in Privacy and Data SecurityEvents, News, Project, Optional0
Building Trust in AI: Highlights from the European AI & Cybersecurity CrossTalk EventEvents, Networking, News, Project, Optional0
Press Release: “European AI Security network CrossTalk event: leading the future of AI in Healthcare”Events, Networking, Optional0
Join the European AI & Cybersecurity Network Crosstalk on Project SolutionsEvents, Networking, News, Project, Optional0
Exploring Cybersecurity Innovations: An Interview with Ricardo Gonçalves, Harpocrates Project Focus Group MemberNews, Project, Optional0
GuardML: Efficient Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning – A Publication from Tampere UniversityNews, Optional0
University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Leading the Way in Harpocrates Project: Data sharing and analysis for social utilityEvents, News, Project, Optional0
Interview with Roberto Sandrini from Region Veneto: Insights from a HARPOCRATES Threat Intelligence Demonstrator”News, Project, Optional0
Hackathon Secure the Valley: Boosting Cybersecurity and Innovation with the Harpocrates ProjectEvents, News, Project, Optional0
Vladimir Radomirovic, from Zentrix Lab Introduces Harpocrates at Web Summit 2023 – Lisbon, PortugalEvents, News, Project, Optional0
Cybersecurity and Data Privacy: An Interview with Nicolae Paladi of CanaryBit on the HARPOCRATES ProjectNews, Optional0
HARPOCRATES – Project Aims to Revolutionize Sleep Medicine Research and Practice – Interview with Dr Thomas PenzelProject0
SoK: Confidential Quartet – Comparison of Platforms for Virtualization-Based Confidential ComputingNews0
Harpocrates at the International Symposium on Computer Based Medical Systems (CBMS 2023)News, Optional0