RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB
RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden AB, is the largest public-sector research institute in Sweden RISE Digital Systems division operates in electronics, information, and communications technology, software development, mobility, system analysis and interaction design. It is a world-class research institute, performing knowledge creation and innovation through the deployment of new services and products. RISE Digital Systems division has also large experience in participating and coordinating national and European projects. In HARPOCRATES project, RISE is being represented by its Cybersecurity Unit.
The Cybersecurity Unit is the largest public-sector cybersecurity research group in Sweden and is also the European leader on IoT security with combined efforts in projects, publications, and IETF standardization. RISE also owns a cyber range that is a state-of-the-art cybersecurity test and demonstration facility in Kista, Stockholm, and coordinates RISE Cybersecurity Centre, the largest cybersecurity centre in Sweden, which covers not only technical but also human, organizational, and legal aspects of cybersecurity.
Role in the Harpocrates project
RISE will lead, together with TUNI, the security related research activities in WP1 and WP2. RISE will also provide the necessary compute infrastructure in the form of their private cloud computing clusters (complemented with resources provided by UoW and commercial resources) to develop and deploy the demonstrator applications.