Project Structure
The HARPOCRATES project aims to change the way modern online systems and services work by mainly adopting a new broad vision of encryption schemes and privacy-preserving mechanisms. To achieve its objectives, the project will be organized in seven work-packages. Detailed Relations and interactions among work packages are shown on the figure below.

WP1 – Operations on Encrypted Data and Differential Privacy
WP Leader – Tampere University
In WP1 all the appropriate cryptographic schemes for processing, storing and sharing data in a secure and privacy-preserving way will be developed. In addition to that, the main functionality
for performing statistical computations in a privacy-preserving way (i.e. over encrypted data) will be designed. The main objectives of WP1 will be:
- Analyze existing HE, HHE and FE schemes and expose current inefficiencies, vulnerabilities and privacy issues;
- Design an efficient and secure HHE scheme;
- Design several symmetric and asymmetric FE schemes with support for function hiding;
- Design several MPC protocols that will be used as building blocks to enhance the applicability and functionality of our HHE and FE schemes;
- Add support for differential privacy in our HHE and FE schemes

WP2 – Privacy-Preserving Machine and Federated Learning
WP Leader – RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
The aim of WP2 is to create ML models that will allow computations over encrypted data with a high accuracy (i.e. evaluate encrypted data generated from WP1).
- Create models to perform privacy-preserving feature selection;
- Create models to perform privacy-preserving image, video and audio classification;
- Create protocols for privacy-preserving, Byzantine robust federated learning.

WP3 – Reference Architecture & Platform Integration
WP Leader – CanaryBit AB
This WP aims to (1) Collect and prioritize stakeholder technical and security requirements; (2) Design HARPOCRATES’s core architecture; and (3) Define integration endpoints and integrate the components designed and developed in WP1 and WP2. The main objectives of this WP are to:
- Technical requirements for the development of HARPOCRATES components (HE, FE, PPML, PPFL) and privacy-related requirements to guide the design of the framework;
- Define the reference architecture of HARPOCRATES to support component integration;
- Perform component integration based on the reference architecture, and automate the technical evaluation of the framework using test suites provided with the implemented components.

WP4 – Use Cases & Demonstrators
WP Leader – University of Westminster
The main aim of WP4 is to develop and deploy the two cross-border HARPOCRATES demonstrators in a multi-cloud testbed. More specifically the objectives of WP4 are to:
- Create a cloud computing testbed including both private and public cloud resources for the deployment and prototyping of the demonstrators;
- Extend the demonstrators with HARPOCRATES security services in order to showcase how these services improve the security and usability of the demonstrator applications;
- Test, benchmark and evaluate the developed demonstrators and provide feedback to component and platform developers

WP5 – Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication
WP Leader – Zentrix Lab doo
The overall goal of this WP is to maximize the impact of the project through a set of carefully planned communication, dissemination, exploitation and standardization activities, that will facilitate the scientific and technological outcomes of HARPOCRATES to attract its audience, capitalize on developed IPR and standardize most innovative results. The objectives are to:
- Define a communication plan and create assets and materials;
- Bootstrap and expand the ecosystem and enable its sustainability beyond the project lifetime;
- Disseminate the scientific and technological outcomes through relevant conferences, workshops and journals as well as in standardization bodies and forums;
- Support commercial exploitation of project results and secure IPR via development and evaluation of appropriate business models, and elaboration of the exploitation strategy.

WP6 – GDPR Compliance, Legal and Ethical Impacts of Privacy- Preserving Technologies
WP Leader – Trilateral Research Ireland Ltd
This work package will complement the project by incorporating legal expertise and assessing and ensuring compliance of the technical results with data regulations, GDPR and research ethics.
- Monitoring of Research Ethics in HARPOCRATES;
- Systematic review of GDPR compliance automation through privacy-preserving technologies;
- Devising accessible recommendations for policy-makers and researchers.

WP 7 – Project Management and Consortium Coordination
WP Leader – Tampere University
The aim of WP7 is to assure the smooth administrative, financial and technical coordination of the project. To achieve this WP7 has the following objectives:
- Creating and running the project management structure and infrastructure including administrative,financial and technical aspects of the project.
- Monitoring project progress and resource usage according to Grant Agreement, handling problems or risks identified, coordinating and submitting interim and final reports to the EC.
- Dening, implementing and monitoring the project’s Data Management Plan.