CanaryBit offers PaaS and SaaS for confidential data processing and secure data sharing. CanaryBit’s ConfidentialCloud serivce combines the latest advancements in cryptography, hardware security and PETs to change the paradigm of secure data sharing and data collaboration. The company was founded in 2020 and combines expertise in cloud security, cryptography, confidential computing, software engineering, technology transfer and digitalization law. CanaryBit is an active member of ECSO, the Confidential Computing Consortium and Gaia-X Sweden. To ensure maximum compatibility of its solutions, CanaryBit closely monitors the guidelines and policies within the European Strategy For Data.
Role in the Harpocrates project
CanaryBit leads the efforts to integrate the technical components implemented by research partners into a coherent platform for secure data sharing and collaboration. Furthermore, CanaryBit leads a research task at the intersection of federated learning, homomorphic encyrption and confidential computing.